Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Going for the Gold Part II: Going Nowhere

After playing League of Legends for over two years and accumulating over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own, totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. This is the story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.

Well, since my last update, I've gone nowhere. Actually, I've gone a bit worse than nowhere, having lost more games than I've won, my MMR is worse, so climbing the ladder is getting harder. At first, I thought nothing of it. I lost three games in a row while sitting at the bottom of the ladder, but that didn't lose me any LP. What it did do was weaken my MMR, as I soon found out.

My first two losses in this update were as Alistar. I've lost every Alistar game I've played thus far. It's not going well for him. Then I jungled as Maokai, but like my other Maokai attempt, lost the game. I tried to get tanky. I tried to initiate for my team. It failed miserably and we were dominated in all three games.

I won a long, challenging game by supporting as Sona for some strong late-game champions. It was my first win in Bronze I. I finally had some LP. But it was really late and I went to bed.

My next three games were victories as Karthus. I now had more wins as Karthus than losses. Things were looking a lot better. I had over 70 LP and I was on a hot streak. Promo series, here I come. Well, not really. Not yet, anyway.

I lost my next Karthus game, then another Alistar game, then another Karthus game, then a Mordekaiser game, then yet another Karthus game. Five losses in a row. And with the last of those, I lost all of my LP. I'm currently back down at zero.

So yeah, my total record is now 17 wins, 20 losses. I'm at the bottom of the ladder, right where I was in my last update. The only things that have changed are that I now have more games played and my win/loss ratio is now worse.

Edit: Well, I'm not even done for the night, but this seemed like a good place to make a new update. I had some downtime anyway. Might get to duo queue with Nick again soon. Oh, I guess I should mention that I had a duo queue partner (but it was never Nick) in four of those games, all of which were losses. I don't think this says anything about duo queue, just that we had bad luck.

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