Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Going for the Gold Part XII: Failure in Season 3

After playing League of Legends for over two years and accumulating over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own, totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. This is the story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.

Well, I haven't made one of these posts in a while. Part of the reason is that I haven't been playing many Ranked games. They've extended the end of Season 3, something I've known about for a while, but haven't commented on. I should note that I'll still be in Bronze when Season 3 ends. Going for the Gold, but I'm not getting any closer at the moment. Many people have been attempting to get promotions before the season ends. I'm not going to try that because it isn't a realistic goal. I'm not moping when I say that, just stating a fact. Here, I'll even support it.

When I concluded my previous post in this series, I had 33 LP in Bronze I, with 43 wins, 46 losses. A losing record overall, something that has been true for a while with these posts. Since then, I've played some more games. I don't remember the details about most of them, but I do have a few notes...

Tristana loss (we had a leaver)

Swain loss (the rest of my team fed)

Karthus win (I've got nothing, but apparently I sure did pick up a lot of kills in this one)

Mordekaiser win (my lane opponent was an inept Renekton and our ADC got fed anyway)

Kog'Maw loss (the rest of my team fed)

Karthus loss (both side lanes fed hard, then the other team started pushing mid and killing me)

Vayne loss (my lane partner, a Jinx, trolled the team and fed hard)

Kog'Maw loss (my lane partner, a Ziggs, intentionally fed—yes, I did get two fake supports in a row)

Karthus win (actually a pretty decent game)

Lifetime W:L: 46:52
Current LP: 22

This fits the pattern of my previous posts: my position in Bronze I oscillates, but it keeps spending more time near the bottom. The gap between my losses and my wins slowly widens. I titled one of my early posts "Going Nowhere." At the time I assumed that "eventually" I'd start going somewhere, specifically up. Now that I have more data, perhaps I should use the title, "Going Down—Very, Very Slowly." That I'm headed the wrong direction is one reason I won't be making Silver by the end of the season. But there's another reason: I'm just not playing that much Ranked right now. I have other priorities, and I've been having more fun with Normal games. I do still intend to make Gold, but it's both unrealistic and not worth my time to race for it at the moment.

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