Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I tried to silence my mother once...

Well, I just tried the new Kassadin in two co-op games. I went mid against Karthus in both, so testing was pretty silly. What I need to see is how Kassadin fares against Kha'Zix and such, not how easily he thrashes Karthus. My thoughts so far...

-The shield doesn't really do much. He probably won't counter AP carries any harder than he used to.
-His damage is nerfed, but it's mostly still acceptable. Force Pulse still hits hard enough to be adequate.
-New Nether Blade kind of sucks for fighting, but the mana restoration portion actually matters now.
-He still says ,"Silence" and his joke is still about trying to silence his mother. Really, Riot?
-Riftwalking more than twice in a row is is usually either impossible or empties my mana. But this is also, I find, an acceptable nerf.
-Rod of Ages is just so good. I hate the thought of putting it off over a stupid Tear. This could make ult-chaining impossible, but being able to take a hit without shattering instantly is too important.
-This isn't so ruinous as the Sivir rework. I could seem myself still playing Kassadin. I'll have to see if he can withstand AD opponents, since they were precarious (but beatable) before, and he lost tools against them without gaining anything to compensate.

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