After playing League of Legends for over two years and
over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own,
totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My
placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. More recently
after failing to climb out of Bronze I, the ladder was reset and I found
myself placed lower still, all the down way at the bottom of Bronze V.
The Ranked matches I've played so far have clearly marked me as a Bronze
player. This is the
story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.
came back to Ranked play with a rather uneventful game. I mean, it was
uneventful for me. I was fourth pick and our fifth pick wanted ADC, so I
obliged and took Sona, supporting what ended up being Jinx. Our allies
were Akali mid, Sion top, and Warwick in the jungle. I laned against
Miss Fortune and Malphite. I tried to support Jinx and keep her alive,
but she made some bad misplays and fell behind. It happens. Fortunately,
the enemy Ahri fed severely, allowing Akali and Warwick to snowball.
Sion was up against Riven top, a matchup I'd be worried about, but he
came out decisively ahead. The other team had a Xin Zhao jungler who
managed to pick up some kills, but not enough to turn the match against
us. Warwick and Sion really carried this one, with Akali picking off
enemies too for good measure. I just wandered around trying to keep my
teammates healthy and had an easy, nonchalant sort of game. Warwick had
Blade of the Ruined King, Feral Flare, Frozen Mallet, and Wit's End.
On-hit junglers are fantastic now. It's beautiful. I went 3/1/10 in the
end. The 24 LP I just got takes me up to a total of 77.
I started another match. This time, I got first pick, so I took my
Karthus of course. It was Karthus (me), Darius (top), Udyr (jungle),
Lucian (ADC), and Braum (support) vs. Fizz (mid), Rengar (top), Lee Sin
(jungle), Caitlyn (ADC), and Thresh (support). I was able to farm
effectively against Fizz. Udyr went in for a gank when I was only level
3, so I stayed back (I don't take a point in Wall of Pain until level 4
and Fizz wasn't that low anyway). Fizz hurt Udyr and stuck around to go
for the kill, so I flashed in and got first blood on Fizz. From there, I
won my lane handily, but the other lanes fell behind. I thought we were
doomed, but Lucian, who was way behind against the enemy Caitlyn,
finally got going. He backdoored and lured enemies out of position. I
got fed and would have carried hard if I'd gotten any help at all, but
my teammates (except Lucian, who was doing his own thing that was
working) practically ignored me and continued to lose fights. I went
15/10/12 and, of course, it wasn't enough. Darius, Braum, and Udyr were
really all pretty bad. I don't know why matchmaking keeps putting me
with these people. And I'm not saying that because I think I'm so good.
It's just that while one bad game on occasion is inevitable, there's a
clear, consistent pattern I'm observing here, and I get inept, bickering
allies way too often. That loss drops me 19 LP, to a total of 58. The
stagnation continues. Or perhaps now that I've pointed it out, I'll lose
more and plummet in the ladder. The worst part of it all is that Fizz
carried the other team to some extent. Caitlyn and Lee Sin got fed too,
but I kept ahead of Fizz and killed him repeatedly throughout the game
so much that he really shouldn't have been able to snowball. It didn't
matter: my teammates gave Fizz his own catering service.
back after a hiatus consisting of half of July, I did a solo queue
match. I'm hooked on Feral Flare junglers now, so I grabbed Udyr. My
teammates were Vel'Koz (mid), Olaf (top), Draven (ADC), and Leona
(support). The other team's jungler was Amumu. Olaf was up against
Tryndamere, Vel'Koz against Diana, and the enemy duo bot lane was Jinx
and Lux. Olaf got off to a good start, but our bot lane struggled. I
helped out a bit early while clearing jungle camps more quickly than
Amumu could. Eventually, Tryndamere disconnected. From there, I mostly
farmed jungle camps, occasionally putting pressure on lanes to keep my
team ahead. It was 5 vs. 4 and we had already been winning, so the other
team caved in and surrendered after 21 minutes. I went 2/1/2 in this
silly free victory. I gained 19 LP and am now up to 76.
had me too busy to bother with any Ranked games, so I went on another
hiatus for the rest of July. Came back on August third and jungled as
Udyr. I was with a Nidalee mid, Brand solo top (I thought he was going
mid, but he eventually noted top and we were able to fill the other
roles after some confusion), and Caitlyn/Nautilus duo bot. We were up
against Syndra, Renekton, Amumu, Tristana, and Karma. However, both
Renekton and Amumu were no-shows. A 5 vs. 3 could have been an easy,
uneventful game, but my allies did poorly early on and then proceeded to
freak out. I just kept calm and picked up kills where I could. I went
4/1/0 and was the only person on my team with a positive K/D ratio.
Syndra and Karma both got fed and were able to hold my teammates off
when they panicked and tried to force objectives at unfavorable times.
But of course, it was 5 vs. 3, so we still won. A bit annoying, but a
win is a win. And now that I've switched to on-hit Udyr as my nearly
exclusive jungler in Ranked, winning is apparently what I do. That's 19
more LP, taking me up to 95. If I win my next match, I get a promo
series. But who knows when that will be? I don't have time for this
right now.
Came back on September first for another
Ranked game. I got first pick, so I tried a Karthus game. I had an easy
lane against a Katarina. Top lane we had Vladimir against Riven. Our
jungler was Vi and the enemy jungler was Maokai. The bot lane consisted
of our Lucian and Braum against Tristana and Leona. The other lanes
didn't do particularly well, but they weren't feeding at first either,
although bot eventually did. I had enough time to farm up and start
wrecking the enemy team. I even teleported in and ganked them when they
chased my team, picking up a quadra kill. Of course, it wasn't enough.
Lucian was particularly obnoxious, but the whole team was pretty
clueless, picking fights when there was no objective for us to take or
when we were split, while failing to take objectives unless I led the
way personally. Vi held her own for a while, but my whole team, save for
myself, became outclassed and died far too much, which doomed us. In
the last teamfight, Lucian ran off by himself into the jungle while the
other three charged on ahead of me into the middle of the map. They
died, of course, and left me alone to defend the nexus against an entire
team, which wasn't possible. I went 14/2/4, scoring more kills than the
rest of my team combined. But I didn't really need them to pick up
kills. I needed them to stop dying so much. They died eight or nine
times each. This really was a case of that "can't carry noobs" cliche,
although I hate to fall back on it. And this is why I hate Ranked. Even
though I kicked ass all game long, all I have to show for it is the loss
of 13 LP, which puts me back down at 82. I get the feeling that this
will be another entirely Bronze season for me.
A week
later, I tried another Ranked game. Guess what happened? If you guessed
that I got Karthus but couldn't carry my feeding team to victory, well,
it's become such a cliche at this point that you really aren't
demonstrating any sort of prescience. I had a Pantheon top, Xin Zhao
jungle, Lucian ADC, and Morgana support. The enemy mid laner was Brand,
who played passively other than when Sejuani was trying to gank me, so I
was able to hold the lane and eventually outfarm him. The enemy top was
Malphite, who easily dominated our Pantheon. The enemy jungler,
Sejuani, kept aggressively ganking people, which wasn't going to work on
me, although I did have to flash away from the first attempt (didn't
expect it so early). The enemy bot laners were Tristana and Blitzcrank.
For a while, we were ahead on kills solely because I was dominating, but
eventually a coordinated team outscales a single Karthus. My allies
tried to do some sort of collaboration, but it was haphazard and often
stupid. On several occasions, they engaged when they shouldn't have, and
I died after picking up kill or two while the rest of my team perished.
But they also refused to initiate when we needed it, such as when the
enemies were grouping up to push down our mid inhibitor or when they
were taking Baron. Essentially, the impression I got throughout this
match was that my teammates, while trying their best, were of a lower
skill level than me. If even one of them had done well, this match would
have been a cinch. But they just kept feeding. I went 18/6/14. At the
end, my teammates were wrongly going on about how the enemy inhibitor
respawning stole our victory (the nexus had plenty of health left and
they all dropped like flies in the fight that took place at it, mostly
because they bullied Pantheon into ulting onto it long before the rest
of us could get there, so it was 4 vs. 5 in their base). The enemy team
was just saying, "gg." It wasn't. It was a stupid game with stupid
people in it. I think I blocked most of them. Yeah, I'm bitter. This
crap keeps happening! And now I've dropped 20 LP, down to 62.
second pick in my next game and mid was wide open with no real bans,
but the enemy team had taken Jax and Udyr, so Singed seemed like a safe
pick. We ended up with Fiddlesticks (mid), Singed (me), Master Yi
(jungle), Tristana (ADC), and Blitzcrank (support) against Xerath (mid),
Jax (top), Udyr (jungle), Sivir (ADC), and Orianna (support). Jax
didn't bully me enough early on, so I got a couple levels into my Poison
Trail and took over the lane, damaging the outer turret badly and
keeping Jax underfarmed while I cleared his minions by running around. I
messed up and let Udyr gank me, then Xerath went for a gank as well,
which he got, but not before I killed Jax. I took the outer turret and
kept farming up for a while. I was annoyed to be 1/2, but the rest of my
team was doing well, while the only enemy that wasn't falling behind
was Sivir. That let me get enough items to initiate with impunity. Once
that happened, the match that was already going our way became so
one-sided that the other team surrendered. I went 5/2/9 and got 20 LP,
taking me back up to 82, which cancels out the match I lost with Karthus
earlier today. Not progress, but it's better than nothing.
some stupid reason, I tried to do better than breaking even, and joined
another queue. This time, it was Ziggs (mid), Gangplank (top), Udyr
(me), Draven (ADC), and Blitzcrank (support) vs. Veigar (mid), Riven
(top), Lee Sin (jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Braum (support). Well, my
good fortune with Udyr had to give out at some point, and when it did,
it gave out with obnoxious intensity. I did everything I could, but this
was not the sort of game for me to be jungling in. I got no help from
my teammates, while our opponents took over our jungle. I was ganked in
the jungle repeatedly, sometimes by the entire team. I bought a bunch of
wards and tried to place them for coverage, but I was ganked before I
could. I went 4/11/4, but like I said, I did what I could. This was a
doomed, one-sided matchup all around. Losing 14 LP takes me down to 68.
Oh, and this match was filled with toxic players too. Riven was fine and
Draven tried to help out on our team (although his notion that I should
hide behind turrets with him so that I couldn't get killed in the
jungle as a jungler wasn't really tenable). And I don't remember
Blitzcrank being egregious. The rest of them were jerks. Ranked is
starting to get unfun again. I'll try once more anyway.
I should have known. Yeah, I did another Udyr game. This one wasn't
quite as egregious in most aspects, and I was able to go 2/6/5. Mid we
had a Katarina that mostly outplayed Lux, but got too aggressive when
she shouldn't have. Top we had a Nasus that fed Akali like it was his
mission, then pretended that it was everyone else's fault. The enemy
jungler was Amumu, and my teammates handed him kills too. Our ADC was
Caitlyn, the primary offender in giving Amumu kills, exposing herself to
obvious Bandage Toss kills on multiple occasions and then expressing
surprise that Amumu killed her. We had a Teemo support who griefed us,
hogging CS that Caitlyn was trying to take, then counterjungling me (at
one point, I used my Smite to take blue, then ran in and got the wight
down to a sliver of health before Teemo sniped it over the wall). The
enemy Jinx and Blitzcrank easily won their lane, so mid was the only one
that held out at all, and none of us could hope to stop a fed Akali.
Not only was this profoundly unfun, but I got a lot of senseless blame
for things, even by the opposing team. Ordinarily I'd think, "Hey, if
even the other team is saying it's my fault, maybe I'm wrong." But these
guys were just slinging insults and saying things that made no sense. I
muted six people in this one, but that's probably less than average for
today. I'm done. I'll come back some other time. No point in playing a
game that is only going to torment me. Well, now I'm down to 53 LP.
Thanks, matchmaking.
On September 28th, I was invited to a Ranked game by Scott (IMLRG). We did Team Builder with other people after that, but I did get a Ranked game in anyway. So there. Mid was open and Scott suggested I grab Karthus, but mid was still open on the other team and I didn't want to get counterpicked. Unsure of what to do, I picked Veigar in the Ranked match for the first time ever. The enemy team tried to do a counterpick of sorts, taking Zed in hopes of assassinating me out of the game. Top we had Jax vs. Akali, and our Jax got an early lead on her, from which she eventually recovered. In the jungle we had Kha'Zix (bad) and they had Master Yi (dangerous for us). The bot laners were Lucian and Leona (Scott) vs. Caitlyn and Nami. I built up a lot of CS and nuked people, of course. I went 7/4/8 in the end, which was a bit better than my teammates, but not a lot. We were actually behind on kills in the end, but won key teamfights on account of an awesome Veigar deleting enemy damage-dealers as soon as the fights broke out. I really think Veigar could be one of my go-to alternate mid laners. With that victory, I'm up to 72 LP.
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