Three seasons in a row, I sought Gold, but remained stuck in Bronze.
Am I delusional? Let's see what happens this time around. I got a late
start to this season and I've been thrown into Bronze again by placement
matches. This is the story of my attempt to turn reverse the trends of
previous seasons. This is Going for the Gold.
Mid: Swain (me)
Top: Irelia
Jungle: Jax
Marksman: Caitlyn (Scott)
Support: Blitzcrank
Mid: Talon
Top: Nidalee
Jungle: Pantheon
Bot something: Mordekaiser
Support: Lulu
Our bot lane didn't really work out, but we came out ahead elsewhere and I was unstoppable. My initial plan was Swain top, but we decided to switch and it worked out pretty well. I wen 8/0/5.
Mid: Malzahar
Top: Vladimir
Jungle: Warwick
Marksman: Caitlyn
Support: Tahm Kench (Scott)
Mid: Lee Sin
Top: Kennen
Jungle: Diana
Marksman: Vayne
Support: Braum
It was back and forth, and this made our Vladimir really upset, because he was absolutely convinced that we had lost and should just surrender, and also that life is meaningless and devoid of hope or something. We won anyway. I went 9/4/7.
Mid: Yasuo
Top: Cho'Gath (Scott)
Jungle: Maokai (me)
Support: Mordekaiser
Other Support: Thresh
Mid: Fizz
Top: Rammus
Jungle: Udyr
Marksman: Sivir
Support: Morgana
Another stupid game with the new Mordekaiser crap. Scottt did well, but our bot fed way too hard and Yasuo couldn't accomplish much. We fell too far behind for me to tank much, and lost horribly. I went 3/6/5.
Mid: Karthus (me)
Top: Morgana
Jungle: Cho'Gath (Scott)
Marksman: Tristana
Support: Nautilus
Mid: Lux
Top: Nasus
Jungle: Shaco
Marksman: Lucian
Support: Gangplank
Another weird one involving people who couldn't cooperate to build a team. And another rare game in which I went negative as Karthus and couldn't even score a single kill. This time it wasn't so much that I missed opportunities as it was that my team collapsed early to Shaco ganks and then I was overwhelmed by multiple fed opponents. I went 0/5/1. The team score was 24-2. This is stupid.
Mid: Fizz
Top: Cho'Gath (Scott)
Jungle: Jax
Marksman: Miss Fortune
Support: Sona (me)
Mid: Annie
Top: Renekton
Jungle: Vi
Marksman: Vayne
Support: Blitzcrank
Well, this was another brutal, unremarkable loss. I couldn't support the incompetent Miss Fortune. I'm really thinking that having me ever go bot lane in Ranked is a bad sign. Yeah, I've had some bad games in other lanes, but they're not the norm. I went 1/7/4.
Mid: Talon
Top: Swain (me)
Jungle: Elise
Marksman: Sivir
Support: Nautilus (Scott)
Mid: Blitzcrank
Top: Fiora
Jungle: Volibear
Marksman: Tristana
Support: Lux
Scott managed to get Sivir fed, and I snowballed too. I went 8/2/12 and we dominated.
Mid: Malzahar (me)
Top: Cho'Gath (Scott)
Jungle: Master Yi
Marksman: Varus
Support: Zyra
Mid: Annie
Top: Fiora
Jungle: Olaf
Marksman: Nidalee
Support: Leona
This one was close. The final score was 40-37 with our team slightly ahead on gold, but we lost. Scott and I did well, but our bot lane did poorly. The real problem was Yi: he kept running in and killing someone, then dying. Our team couldn't capitalize on the distraction, so we were left with fed opponents after those exchanges. I went 8/4/3, but it wasn't enough.
Mid: Karthus (me)
Top: Nasus (Scott)
Jungle: Xin Zhao
Marksman: Vayne
Support: Nautilus
Mid: Ahri
Top: Rumble
Jungle: Wukong
Marksman: Ezreal
Support: Leona
Scott carried this one. Not that I did badly. I helped out and went 5/3/7. But Rumble, for whatever reason, fed Scott hard and he dominated the other team. Scott went 13/1/5.
Mid: Karthus (me)
Top: Gnar
Jungle: Xin Zhao
Marksman: Caitlyn (Scott)
Support: Blitzcrank
Mid: Ahri
Top: Azir
Jungle: Malphite
Marksman: Vayne
Support: Morgana
Vayne got fed and carried her team. I went 10/3/7, but couldn't stop my teammates from continually feeding Vayne.
Mid: Viktor
Top: Swain
Jungle: Zac
Marksman: Kayle (me)
Support: Braum (Scott)
Mid: Anivia
Top: Vladimir
Jungle: Yasuo
Marksman: Ashe
Support: Blitzcrank
Again, I should not go bot. It just doesn't work. This time, Zac flew in and fed our lane opponents some kills, then Anivia and Yasuo got fed too. I eventually farmed enough to pick up a few kills, but it was way too late. I went 5/6/5.
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