Thursday, September 19, 2013

Going for the Gold Part VIII: The Server Crashed, and With It, My Dreams

After playing League of Legends for over two years and accumulating over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own, totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. This is the story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.

Since my last update, well, things have gone poorly...

I had my first Ranked loss as Sona. I was supporting a Corki just like my more successful game earlier, but this Corki wasn't nearly as good. I ended up going 1/3/8 and being frustrated at not being able to do anything, despite, I think, outplaying the enemy support pretty well.

So I tried a Karthus game. I was ahead on farm and was confident that I would probably carry the game. I lagged out near my turret, but it ended after several seconds and I didn't seem to be in any danger. My lane opponent, an Ahri, asked in the allchat if anyone else had just lagged out. I tried to respond, "Yeah." It didn't go through. Three other people's responses did show up. Then I was completely stuck. I was stuck for over three minutes. It was a server-side crash of some sort. Everyone in the game was affected, but I was affected the most. For whatever reason, I was the last one to reload. We were slightly ahead before the crash, but behind after the last person (me) showed up again. We eventually lost. That this game wasn't a loss forgiven is just wrong. My final K/D/A was 4/3/4. I'm still pissed off about this one. If we'd lost all on our own, that would be one thing, but to be ahead and then have technical difficulties right before we started losing makes it really irritating. After this game, which shouldn't have counted, my LP plummeted into the 30's.

Anxious to make up for what had happened, I tried another game. I was last pick again. Seems like I'm first or last a lot. Anyway, I needed to jungle and didn't want to go full tank. I played Udyr, got some ganks in, and dominated in midgame skirmishes. In the end I went 10/5/10. It was a good game and alleviated some of my rage about the bullshit before it.

My next game was another first pick Karthus. My lane opponent was a Lux and was under the mistaken impression that my passive laning was helping her because Lux would be such a monster in the late game. I thought I'd carry, but the other lanes faltered and we fell behind. The enemy team had a lot of CC, which they used to win fights, but I think that wouldn't have been a big problem if my allies hadn't overextended so much. I went 7/4/13. Yet another in my long line of Ranked defeats as Karthus in which I got fed, but couldn't salvage the game.

Late at night, I did one more Karthus game (not first pick this time, but it worked out). I laned against a Kennen. So far, I haven't seen a Kennen that can stop a Karthus from farming. I only went 4/1/9, but my lane and our top and jungle went well enough that we dominated the whole game.

I'd salvaged my ladder position somewhat, but I was still behind. Since then, I've played one more Ranked game, this time as Kassadin mid against a Viktor. I had a Leona jungler that helped mitigate  Viktor's early advantage and keep my lane under control, and then snowballed and started killing everyone. The enemy Singed disconnected, making an advantageous game turn into a free win. 9/1/5 and I denied Viktor CS so hard that I actually ended up with more than him. I'm back to baseline, with 36 wins, 36 losses. I now have 61 LP. Working my way back up...

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