After playing League of Legends for over two years and accumulating
over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own,
totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My
placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. This is the
story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.
After I first got into Bronze I, I noticed that some of the other players in my ladder had little green medallions signifying that they had played "100 games in this league." The symbol is labeled "veteran" but I thought of it more as a mark of shame. When I pointed it out to Nick, we both basically said that we felt sorry for those players. With this post, I became one of them. It gets worse than that, though.
I got a message that I was now inactive in Ranked. I hadn't been
playing because I didn't want to play with LP on the line when I wasn't
comfortable with all the changes to the game. Actually, I hadn't even
been playing normals much. Well, with no choice but to either lose LP
due to inactivity or to risk losing it due to losing, I tried my first
Ranked game in a while. Maybe I'm just feeling particularly cranky, or
maybe it's the absence from Ranked, but this time I really feel inclined
to recount my irritation at the brain-dead allies matchmaking
apparently thinks I should get. So here I go...
team consisted for Karthus (me), Lee Sin (jungle), Tryndamere (top),
Thresh (support), and Lucian (ADC). They had Ziggs (mid), Ryze (top),
Volibear (jungle), Lulu (support), and Sivir (ADC). Firstly, I'll note
that Tryndamere was fine. He won his lane and I felt sorry for him. Our
Lucian seemed to do well and did get fed in-lane, but I still hate his
guts. Once the laning phase ended, he moved around with no real sense of
objectives and got himself killed multiple times in the jungle by
wandering into obviously unsafe areas. That's not a particularly
egregious offense, but he also decided, while we were ahead, that we
would lose. Instead of looking for ways to win once the enemies started
catching up and beating us in teamfights, he looked for people to blame.
For some reason, he settled on me. He declared that I "threw." He never
said why. Thresh wasn't as obnoxious, but he was too aggressive and
died a lot. And then there was Lee Sin. Or rather, there wasn't. Our Lee
Sin repeatedly left and then came back. I was able to hold my lane
against Ziggs, but Volibear would steal our blue, give Ziggs the other
blue, and attempt to gank me. And in the fashion that I've become so
accustomed to with my allies in Ranked, Lee Sin blamed Thresh for some
reason. Thresh was kind of bad, but it wasn't his fault that Lee Sin
spent half his time on our platform. I went 6/5/6. One of my five deaths
occurred when Ziggs and I almost killed each other, then Volibear tried
to gank me. I escaped him, but Ziggs caught me with his ult. My other
deaths, all four of them, were cases in which I was attempting to defend
a pushed mid, alone, and three or four enemy champions converged on me.
Not really a lot I can do about that, other than let the enemy team win
sooner. So, I've just come back to Ranked, and matchmaking has given me
yet another unwinnable game. Maybe it's a way of saying, "Welcome
back." Whatever the case, I hate these stupid teammates and want to kick
them in their stupid faces.
Coming back for a second
Ranked game, I've attained yet another Karthus loss. This time,
apparently the first and last picks on my team were a duo, and wanted to
trade champions and take the mid and ADC roles, but didn't communicate
that to the rest of us. So when I picked Karthus, they raged at me and
said they'd report me, and also that Karthus is trash and always loses.
Off to a great start. Well, we had Karthus (me), Olaf (top), Vi
(jungle), Quinn (ADC), and Sona (support). They had Heimerdinger (mid),
Shyvana (top), Amumu (jungle), Varus (ADC), and Soraka (support). I
don't have a lot of experience laning against the new Heimerdinger. He
has more burst capacity than the old one. But I once I got boots, I was
able to dodge his skillshots, outfarm him, and beat him decisively in
the laning phase. I had more CS than anyone else by quite a bit, and was
starting to pick up kills so that I could carry. As before, my team was
initially ahead on kills. I'm not going to attempt to assign blame for
this one. We mainly lost because we were repeatedly failing to win
teamfights, and there were multiple reasons behind that. Probably the
biggest factor was their their Shyvana, who had initially not been
dominating lane because Vi pressured her with ganks, started to
snowball. Olaf lost lane, but there was more to it than that. I was able
to beat Heimerdinger in my lane, but by initially giving up mid, the
other team was able to have their Amumu help Varus win bot, which forced
Vi to abandon top in attempt to mitigate that, leaving Olaf exposed and
allowing Shyvana to finally start getting fed. I'm not sure what I
should have done differently, but it's definitely the case that what I
did do was not enough. My final score was 7/3/11.
my third loss in a row in this post, and my fifth loss in a row in
Ranked, I jungled as Amumu. I haven't been playing him with the changes,
but that wasn't really a factor. Amumu is really easy to play. That
being said, I probably shouldn't have been playing him. Our first pick
apparently thought that, since Amumu wasn't banned, it would be a good
idea to have him on our team. First pick asked if anyone wanted Amumu.
We had two people that wanted to duo bot, and another person that wanted
top, so I thought, "Why not? I'll jungle." So I gave the first pick
Elise, as requested, and took Amumu. Our top was Garen. Our bot laners
were Sivir and Taric. The other team consisted of Fizz (mid), Akali
(top), Fiddlesticks (jungle), Varus (ADC), and Lulu (support). At first,
everything seemed fine. We started falling behind so quickly, I'm not
even sure what caused it. My final K/D/A was 2/6/2. Garen fared a bit
better at 2/4/2, but the others got killed even more (8 deaths for
Sivir, and 10 for the others). No one on our team got more than two
kills. We tried to hold them off, but it was a slaughter. I have to say,
though, that with all the trolls I've been getting, I can't really be
mad at these guys. They didn't do anything wrong. Well, they did push
too much when I advised them to defend, as none of the enemy champions
were visible, so they were probably setting up ambushes. But hey, I've
been seeing so much worse lately that it doesn't seem that bad. These
guys were actually all rather friendly, despite how doomed we were. I'd
play with them again—just not in Ranked.
Well, my next
game broke the losing streak. I was last pick, but I got to ADC, so
whatever. We had Yasuo (mid), Fizz (top), Kha'Zix (jungle), Tristana
(me), and Taric (support). They had Teemo (mid), Lee Sin (top), Volibear
(jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Leona (bot). Things seemed fairly close
overall in the laning phase, but I was outfarming Lucian and picking up
some kills, so I was pretty confident we'd win (fed Tristana usually
does). We started pulling ahead a bit, and it turned out that their
9/6/1 Lee Sin had left the game. He never came back, and we won the 5
vs. 4 pretty easily. Not the way I'd like to win, but I did finally pick
up a Ranked victory as Tristana. She's apparently my new default ADC,
replacing Sivir. I went 9/3/8.
With some renewed
confidence coming off my victory as Tristana, I tried another. This time
I was third pick and it looked like we needed a solo top, so I went
with Mordekaiser. Our team was Cho'Gath (mid), Mordekaiser (me), Nasus
(jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Leona (support). The other team had Akali
(mid), Garen (top), Shyvana (jungle), Jinx (ADC), and Taric (support).
Things weren't going too badly for me at first, but I got no help from
our jungler in the entire laning phase, while the enemy jungler and mid
helped Garen pressure me. At first, he couldn't do anything, but after I
died three times, I stood no chance against him. And still, I got no
help from our jungler. To be fair, our jungler was being destroyed too.
So was bot. So was mid. It was looking like a complete shutout, until
eventually Akali was too aggressive and got picked off by Lucian. Still,
we had one kill, and they had a lot. Garen decided to troll our team by
trying to "proxy" farm top while his team pushed the other lanes. It
would have ended pretty quickly, but two of us, Cho'Gath and myself,
started to pick up kills. The rest of our team couldn't do much but try
to piggyback off us. They were kind of bad. Actually they were really
bad. Especially our Nasus, who had a silver border, but was completely
incompetent. It sounds like I'm especially bitter, but there was a very
evident gulf in skill between three of our players (Nasus, Leona, and
Lucian) and the other two (me and Cho'Gath). I really don't see why
matchmaking would do this, or how it's supposed to actually place people
properly in ladders. Cho and I tried really hard to win, but this was
yet another unwinnable game. My final K/D/A was 11/7/7. I should note
that despite the fact that I had the most kills, fewest deaths, and
highest CS, I was unhappy with my own performance in this game. I had
too many early deaths, even taking into consideration the amount of help
the enemy Garen had to get in order to take control of the lane. I do
not believe that I could have changed the end result, but I could have
done a better job anyway.
I've tried another Karthus
game. This one is, yet again, putting me perilously close to demotion.
I'm at a loss here. Our team was Karthus (me), Garen (top), Vi (jungle),
Jinx (ADC), and Leona (support). Their team was Ahri (mid), Riven
(top), Udyr (jungle), Vayne (ADC), and Fiddlesticks (support). I held my
lane and outfarmed everyone but the enemy Riven, but it quickly stopped
mattering. Garen and Riven got fed off each other and off both
junglers, while our bot was destroyed. The fed enemy Riven and Vayne
proceeded to demolish our team repeatedly. I tried to hang on, but I
couldn't do a thing. The game lasted long enough for me to become
reasonably powerful, but a Karthus with 6 kills is no match for a Riven
with 20. My final score was 6/5/8. Bad for a Karthus game, but I
consider myself fortunate to get any kills at all in a game like this
one. My team was completely outclassed. This was just a bad, stupid
game. Our Jinx, Vi, and Leona were noticeably unskilled. Yet another
instance of matchmaking giving me what amounted to an automatic loss.
my last game of this post, I'm down to 0 LP. Yay. I took Karthus
against a Pantheon mid and killed him once. It probably sounds like I
keep making excuses for my losses, but the dogs here all went crazy,
distracting me exactly when Fiddlesticks showed up to gank me. I
probably overextended anyway. Whatever. So I gave up one death and was
1/1/0. Then I got back into the swing of things and continued holding
the lane and outfarm Pantheon. So far, not great, but not bad. And then
my whole team raged at me because they lost their lanes, allowing the
other team to roam. Since I still held my lane, the enemies were eager
to put an end to that, so they harassed me and tried to kill me, but I
was cautious and avoided it. My team surrendered, as I was the only no
vote. Frankly, I'd prefer to have 20-minute surrenderers booted from
Ranked play entirely. I know it's part of the game, and I've surrendered
myself in Normals, particularly when my team had leavers. But to just
give up like that in a Ranked game? What's the point? Go play Normals if
you want to surrender at 20. Not that I harbor delusions that I was
going to carry this particular game. All four of my teammates were
feeding. But I still wanted to try, dammit. Also, I find it absurd that
four players, all of whom are feeding, would decide that the reason they
are losing is the one non-feeding player on their team. No matter the
details, that's just specious. Where does matchmaking find these blockheads?
I mean, I always hear about how terrible the League of Legends
community is, but personally, I've always believed that to be mostly
So that's it, then. I've finally dropped all
the way to the bottom of the ladder. I want to say something here about
how I could improve my gameplay and turn things around. I want to say
something about how maybe I've underestimated just how much skill Gold
takes. But I'd be kidding myself. Petty as it seems, I have to be honest
with myself and admit that I absolutely, totally, completely, utterly,
conclusively blame the teammates that matchmaking is saddling me with.
I'd be happy to take responsibility for my actions in these games. I'll
gladly own what I've done. It isn't enough, and shouldn't be expected to
be enough.
Well, I now have 49 wins and 61 losses. I'm
at 0 LP in Bronze I. It's entirely possible that my next update in this
series will be about my demotion. I'm going to try my damnedest not to
make that the case, but really, I have no say in that. Matchmaking will
either screw me over yet again or it won't. I guess we'll find out.
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