Sunday, January 19, 2014

Going for the Gold Part XVII: I forgot to publish this one about a month ago...

After playing League of Legends for over two years and accumulating over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own, totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. This is the story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.

These games are old news, but apparently I forgot to publish a post for them. I guess I thought I'd play Ranked again and maybe get a few more games in before posting this and letting the ladder reset happen. That didn't happen.  The following is what I'd typed in late December...

In what I hope is the beginning of a second rapid ascension out of Bronze II, I just played a Karthus game. I second-picked Karthus, although third pick had called mid. Our third pick didn't complain and proceeded to take Diana top. Our team ended up being Karthus (me), Diana (top), Lee Sin (jungle), Varus (ADC), and Alistar (support) against LeBlanc (mid), Rengar (top), Shyvana (jungle), Sivir (ADC), and Taric (support). LeBlanc is a dangerous opponent, and is thought, by some, to counter Karthus. I've found that she's actually worse at preventing Karthus from farming than some other burst champions. My hope was to keep her occupied without dying, knowing that I'd become more powerful as the game went on. LeBlanc couldn't kill me, but thwarted my plan by roaming extensively and picking up kills elsewhere on the map, which I couldn't stop. Well, not at first. Fortunately, my CS allowed me to keep up. I picked up some kills, then intercepted attempts to gank Lee Sin and Diana, who both helped me pick up even more. My final K/D/A was 11/2/10. This win has earned me 16 LP, bringing me to 91, albeit still in Bronze II.

Well, I'm crazy. Or maybe I just stopped giving a fuck. I'm finally taking my Sion into Ranked play. I'm typing this part while the game loads. We needed physical damage from a solo top, and I'm really not well-versed in any AD tops. I've almost always played AP when I've gone top. I initially chose Kayle, then switched to Sion because I'm stupid. We'll see how this goes...

It went pretty well. Specifically, it went so well that I got a pentakill. I mean, we were losing pretty badly and I was only barely able to turn the game around, but I did turn it around. To start out, we had Swain (mid) Sion (me), Amumu (jungle), Miss Fortune (ADC), and Blitzcrank (support) against Yasuo (mid), Jax (top), Jarvan IV (jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Sona (support). Jax didn't show up right away, so I was able to get more early CS than normal. I don't think it mattered in the end, though. Their Jarvan bullied me to help Jax get caught up, and Amumu didn't do me much good in the laning phase. Swain, playing aggressively, managed to both feed and to get fed himself. But most of his deaths went to Yasuo, who snowballed massively. I'm still not sure what to think of Yasuo as a champion, but he really can snowball. As always with Sion, I had to take breaks to clear waves and keep my health growing, which potentially costed my team some fights. Jax and Yasuo both got fed. With Jarvan to tank for them, they seemed unstoppable. I became tanky enough to hold them off for a while, but it wasn't really preventing us from losing. Probably everyone in the game thought it was coming to a close, 40 minutes in, when they grouped up to push into our base. Amumu ulted their team, then Sona ulted our team. I came in chopping away. Miss Fortune, having been forced by Jax to circle around the fight, avoided the Sona ult and arrived to use her own ult, which dropped Jarvan, Jax, and Yasuo low enough them. I took Jarvan out as Yasuo killed Blitzcrank, then rushed Jax and killed him right after Yasuo caught and killed Miss Fortune. With Jax dead, Swain escaped toward our nexus. Yasuo took Amumu down, scoring a triple kill. Yasuo stayed to try finishing me off next, so Lucian and Sona remained right behind him. I dropped Yasuo, then caught Sona as she ran past me. Lucian was the only one left on their team, so I popped my Ghost. He used Flash to escape, but then turned around and shot at me as I stunned him, then killed him for my second Ranked pentakill ever and my first pentakill with Sion. From there, we won another fight, this time while contesting Baron Nashor, and proceeded to win the game. My final K/D/A was 10/5/12. My final health was 4,020. This match has qualified me for a promotional series. I'm still a bit sore about the whole demotion thing, but this match has left me quite pleased. I took a big risk bringing Sion into a Ranked game. This time, it worked out. I'll have to think about when I want to try it again.

And that was it. After my favorite Ranked game ever, I took a break. I stayed right where I was, at the top of Bronze II and needing to complete a promo series to get back into Bronze I, up until the ladder reset. It's a dumb, anticlimactic way to conclude the first season of my Ranked journey, but it's what apparently happened.

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