After playing League of Legends for over two years and
over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own,
totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My
placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. More recently
after failing to climb out of Bronze I, the ladder was reset and I found
myself placed lower still, all the down way at the bottom of Bronze V.
The Ranked matches I've played so far have clearly marked me as a Bronze
player. This is the
story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.
the 23rd, I queued up for some Ranked games with Paul (Lithormane)
again. First match, we had Vel'Koz (Paul soloing mid), Yasuo (top),
Amumu (me jungling), Lucian (ADC), and Leona (support). The enemy team
consisted of Ziggs (mid), Mordekaiser (top), Udyr (jungle), Varus (ADC),
and Sona (support). We got off to a good start fighting off an
attempted invasion. Paul had some setbacks, but came back stronger and
won his lane. The enemy Mordekaiser was terrible and our fed Yasuo ended
up carrying anyway. It still took a while and the enemy Ziggs, Varus,
and Udyr held their own. But Mordekaiser's feeding gave us a lead and we
used that lead to win decisively. I went 4/4/11. Paul went 10/9/9. This
game launched Paul into a promo series.
We tried a duo
bot lane. It was Vel'Koz (mid), Poppy (top), Shyvana (jungle), Jinx
(Paul), and Leona (me) against Talon (mid), Olaf (top), Xin Zhao
(jungle), Caitlyn (ADC), and Annie (support). Unfortunately, this was
one of my worst Leona games and also one of Paul's worst Jinx games. To
make matters worse, our other lanes failed too. Talon roamed bot and
helped them beat us up even more. Poppy raged and ended up going AFK,
but our whole team was thoroughly trounced. My final score was 1/6/2.
Not a good way to start a promo series.
We attempted
duo bot again. The lineup was Nidalee (mid), Lulu (top), Volibear
(jungle), Kog'Maw (Paul), and Sona (me) against Morgana (mid), Kassadin
(top), Jarvan IV (jungle), Twitch (ADC), and Thresh (support). This was a
very weird game. We were fine at first, but fell behind bot lane as the
laning phase progressed. Lulu won lane, but Nidalee lost lane badly. In
skirmishes, we finally started to catch up. Well, I did. I began
picking up kills and managed to avoid dying. In fact, I scored more
kills than anyone else on our team, and had fewer deaths. Paul got some
kills, but we couldn't protect him in teamfights and he couldn't catch
up. I should have played Alistar like we'd originally planned. He opted
to split push, knowing he'd just get killed in fights. As a team, we
were behind and it was looking bad, although not hopeless. With everyone
alive, Lulu snuck top lane with Paul to help backdoor while the other
three members of our team engaged all five enemies in our bot lane. They
took our inner turret and tried to back off, which I thought was in
attempt to save their base from Paul. We pressed them, killing Thresh,
but losing Nidalee and Volibear. Instead of trying to recall and save
their base in a 4 vs. 2 fight, they chased me. By this point I had
Muramana and Zhonya's Hourglass, so I was able to make it into our base,
where they struck the final blow to kill me just before Paul destroyed
their nexus. I went 7/3/7. Paul went 6/10/6. He was annoyed that we won
by enemies being stupid, but hey, it worked. My Sona is just so
irresistible that people would rather use four champions to kill her
than recall and avoid losing.
Paul needed just one more
win to advance into Silver III. He wanted to ADC again, but not to play
Kog'Maw after what happened in the last match. So we wound up with
LeBlanc (mid), Malphite (top), Wukong (jungle), Tristana (Paul), and
Sona (me). Our opponents were Kassadin (mid), Lee Sin (top), Evelynn
(jungle), Ezreal (ADC), and Nami (support). Paul enjoyed trying to bait
our lane opponents into diving, but it was a stalemate bot lane until
Wukong helped us, after which we easily took the lead. Our mid failed
pretty badly though (people are way too flippant about not banning
Kassadin anymore), so it was a close match for a while. We lost an
inhibitor, fell behind on kills, and started losing more objectives. But
I was Sona, so I took matters into my own hands, killed some people,
and we pushed into their base and won despite having been behind on
kills and objectives. I went 5/2/14. Paul went 9/6/11. He's now in
Silver III. I'm at 85 LP in Bronze III, so I'll have to see what the
next few matches hold, as I may or may not get a promo series before
filling in this post.
I tried a solo queue game, hoping
to win and get a promo series. My teammates were weird in the lobby and
didn't make much sense most of the time, but none of them seemed to
want to jungle and I was far down in the pick order (fourth, I think),
so I grabbed Udyr and decided to try the new Wriggle's Lantern on him.
Yeah, experimenting in Ranked. I know, I know. But it worked pretty
well. I cleared camps very quickly and I got fed. So did the other team.
We had Katarina (mid), Shen (top), Udyr (me), Draven (ADC), and Thresh
(support) against Malzahar (mid), Renekton (top), Jax (jungle), Vayne
(ADC), and Alistar (support). Actually, in this match, the bot lanes
were bad on both sides, so they cancelled each other out. But our mid
and top were beaten badly, and that was enough. Fed Udyr is strong,
especially with Feral Flare, Muramana, Iceborn Gauntlet, and Wit's End.
Fed Renekton, Jax, and Malzahar all working together are even stronger. I
went 8/5/10 and prolonged the inevitable by becoming such a bruiser,
but it wasn't nearly enough. That's dropped me 15 LP, down to 70.
my next match, I was last pick, and forced to support as usual. That's
not so gloomy as it was last season: I am now apparently a wrecking ball
with Sona. My team was Katarina (mid), Nasus (top), Master Yi (jungle),
Lucian (ADC), and Sona (me). The enemy team consisted of Lux (mid),
Tryndamere (top), Xin Zhao (jungle), Miss Fortune (ADC), and Leona
(support). Our lanes got stomped, and Yi got killed a few times in the
jungle. With the enemies all getting fed, my teammates whined that it
was "gg" early on (because people can't seem to remember what that
actually means). And so I adopted my typical Sona approach of "if you
want something done right, you have to do it yourself." This actually
caused Yi to rage, because even though he had no kills before I started
picking them up, he somehow thought every single one I was getting while
he was anywhere on the map was stolen from him. He said he was
quitting. Repeatedly. But he stuck around. Katarina had a different
outlook, asking me to carry the team. We kept fighting, and eventually
Katarina snowballed, while Nasus and I tanked. It was actually a pretty
incredible comeback. With a fed Trydamere and exposed nexus turrets for
so long, I wasn't sure we'd actually pull it off, almost up until the
very end. But we did. And I mean "we." I don't want to be cocky about
this. If Katarina had been bad, she wouldn't have been able to snowball.
Nasus was competent enough to tank for us in the end, compensating for
having fed Tryndamere. Yi is overpowered and that damage did help us in
fights. And even Lucian managed to chip in. It's not like I could have
done this if my allies had been complete feeders the whole time. And I
build Sona more as a tank than as a dedicated killer. All that being
said, I did go 8/1/36. This win has given me 24 LP. Now I'm up to 94, so
I still need another win to secure a promo series.
After a break, I logged on and joined Scott (IMLRG) for Ranked games. As fourth pick, I grabbed ADC and went Tristana. That gave us Anivia (mid), Cho'Gath (Scott soloing top), Malphite (jungle), Tristana (me), and Leona (support) against LeBlanc (mid), Garen (top), Kha'Zix (jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Thresh (support). I was worried, especially when Leona stayed behind our turret, unmoving until well after fighting had started. She kept standing around, doing nothing while I struggled against two opponents. Garen overwhelmed Scott, and LeBlanc devastated our Anivia. Malphite did well, though. Leona inexplicably raged at me for not being able to easily solo bot, so she abandoned me and went top, to the consternation of our team. Scott helped me survive bot, and I did get fed, but Leona fed enough on her own to make up for that. I had the damage output we needed, but my teammates refused to protect me, because apparently losing was a more attractive option than helping me help them. I went 9/7/4, with almost all of my deaths coming late into the match from LeBlanc bursting me down. Scott went 2/7/9. I forget how many times our Leona died and I'm not inclined to watch the replay to find out, but it was a whole hell of a lot. I think our whole team reported her, as it was really out of hand. After the last bit of barely intelligible rage before ditching me, she stopped communicating with the team and fed constantly, so that seems pretty egregious. This loss bumped me down to 78 LP. I just can't catch a break as Tristana.
We tried again, this time with Nidalee (mid), Singed (me), Master Yi (jungle), Jinx (ADC), and Annie (Scott supporting). Our opponents had Ryze (mid), Renekton (top), Evelynn (jungle), Caitlyn (ADC), and Lulu (support). Renekton, especially with an Evelynn jungler to back him up, had me worried, but I survived and eventually outfarmed him and took his outer turret when he tried to roam. We spent a lot of time just farming top and holding the lane, as neither of us could kill the other. His team was doing better without him than mine was without me, so I was annoyed, but couldn't think of a solution. The problem solved itself: a farmed Singed is a late game monstrous tank that can force-feed his teammates. So I did. My final score was 0/0/12. Scott went 2/9/11, loyally supporting our struggling Jinx to the end, with her finally getting fed thanks to my disruption of the enemy team, which was good because Yi wasn't really doing that well for us and we needed more damage in fights. Kills? I don't need them. I pushed lanes, controlled objectives, wiped out minions, and brought the CC. So glad to have my old Singed back. He could become one of my default Ranked champions. It's actually kind of amusing for me to think about it, but last season I relied heavily on champions like Sivir, Kassadin, and Mordekaiser, but struggled and didn't get anywhere. In contrast, although I've started out a lot lower this season, I'm falling back on some of the first champions I ever had, Singed, Tristana, and Sona. I'm getting back to my roots and, other than the horrible luck I've been having with Tristana, it's working out very nicely. That victory did it. I now have another promo series. If I win two out of my next three matches, I'll be in Bronze II.
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