After playing League of Legends for over two years and
over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own,
totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My
placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. More recently
after failing to climb out of Bronze I, the ladder was reset and I found
myself placed lower still, all the down way at the bottom of Bronze V.
The Ranked matches I've played so far have clearly marked me as a Bronze
player. This is the
story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.
For my first game in Bronze III, I had third pick. The
enemy team had a Ziggs and no one on my team had even mentioned mid, so
I figured I might as well take it. I was tempted to grab Kassadin, but
the nerfs combined with the fact that I was undefeated with him last
season and hesitate to break from tradition by losing with him caused me
to take the safe option instead: I know I can hold a lane against Ziggs
with Karthus. We had Karthus (me), Xin Zhao (top), Master Yi (jungle),
Caitlyn (ADC), and Thresh (support). The other team had Ziggs (mid),
Pantheon (top), Vi (jungle), Jinx (ADC), and Blitzcrank (support). I
easily held my lane despite harassment from Vi, but I couldn't snowball
with kills using my ult, so I was stuck farming while the other lanes
failed. Our Xin Zhao was never really useful, although Caitlyn and
Thresh, floundering early on, eventually caught up and did moderately
well for themselves. None of it mattered, though. Feral Flare is
completely overpowered and our Yi did what Yi always does since the
advent of Feral Flare. In my duo queue games with Paul, we were able to,
with considerable planning and coordination, stop Feral Flare Yi from
carrying. My opponents in the game, however, could not do that. I can
see why not: it's pretty tough to pull off. Yi picked up two pentakills
and snowballed so much that it was an easy win. I went 6/1/6, which
isn't really remarkable. But hey, Yi's practically a mandatory ban again
and people should realize that.
I catch a break with
Tristana. Well, maybe I would if I played her in games that were more
favorable. As soon as I saw the Yi on the other side, I figured my only
chance as ADC would be to use Tristana's capacity to escape. It was Fizz
(mid), Jax (top), Amumu (jungle), Tristana (me), and Sona (support)
against LeBlanc (mid), Jayce (top), Master Yi (jungle), Ashe (ADC), and
Lulu (support). I tried. I really did. But the enemy bot laners were
actually pretty good, and my support was not. She kept getting caught.
She apologized for it, rather than blaming it on me, which was a nice
change. And then, of course, Yi snowballed and our team was dominated. I
went 3/6/1, with most of my deaths being against the inescapable Yi. I
could ult him, Rocket Jump away, and he'd still catch me and kill me. I
raged pretty hard.
In my next match, I was fourth pick,
but last pick wanted ADC over support, and I accommodated that. I'm
such a nice guy! Fortunately, Yi was banned this time (our first pick
was smart, and ended up carrying us). We had Kha'Zix (mid), Fizz (top),
Nocturne (jungle), Draven (ADC), and Alistar (me) against Yasuo (mid),
Aatrox (top), Xin Zhao (jungle), Jinx (ADC), and Soraka (support). I'm
not particularly proud of this one. Our bot lane failed hard, although
it was actually 3 vs. 2 much of the time and our jungler never showed up
to help us. But that meant I was an underleveled tank trying to help
turn around a losing game. I did what I could, but I just wasn't strong
enough yet. Kha'Zix saved us, jumping onto enemy champions and
destroying them. That bought us the time we needed for me to get tanky.
It was still a close game, but my initiations gave us an advantage, and
Draven was finally catching up too, although Kha'Zix was most of our
damage output. Pretty close, but I should have done better. I went
I feel bad about this Ranked game. I queued
with Scott (IMLRG). He had first pick, and took Jax. Mid was open, and I
saw the enemy team take Fizz, so I picked Karthus, knowing I could
probably survive to carry. Our full lineup was Karthus (me), Jax
(Scott), Vi (jungle), Draven (ADC), and Lux (support). Our opponents had
Fizz (mid), Garen (top), Jarvan IV (jungle), Vayne (ADC), and Sona
(support). Before minions spawned, I warned my allies that Fizz would
try to roam, and to be ready for it. When I started laning, it turned
out that my opponent didn't know what to do. I thought maybe I was up
against a really bad Fizz. He seemed to be trying to make me extend for a
gank, but really he just let me farm. I was well-positioned to carry,
but unfortunately, things were a disaster everywhere else. Garen was
destroying Scott, and the enemy Jarvan helped win bot lane. I didn't
have enough items to start carrying, but I fought anyway because there
was too much pressure for me to be able farm safely. It was looking like
I was our team's only hope, and a slim one at that. I was 5/0/0 and
easily outfarming everyone else on both teams. But the total team K/D
ratio was 9/19 in our opponents' favor, and three of our turrets were
down. Just after I'd picked up a double kill, between mid lane and the
bot river, I backed up to recall, hoping I could help my allies, who
were trying to fight a push by the other three enemies on our top
inhibitor turret. And then I disconnected. My internet completely cut
out. That was about 20 minutes in. I tried resetting the modem
repeatedly, but we have no internet service now, for whatever reason.
It's after midnight, and I couldn't call the ISP anyway, because it's
not my account and I don't even know the number. So now I'm typing this,
about 45 minutes into the game, seeing everything frozen in the state
it had been in when my internet abruptly shut off. My team has long
since lost by now. So yeah, for the first time, I've been that guy who
disconnects in a Ranked game without returning. It was bound to happen
eventually, I suppose, since no internet connection is 100% reliable
100% of the time. But yeah, this sucks. Sorry, Scott. I tried, but
nothing worked. It turned out that Comcast had a service outage: I was
without internet for about twelve hours.
I later queued up
with Scott again for some more Ranked games. In the first of these, we
had Morgana (mid), Akali (top), Master Yi (jungle), Tristana (me), and
Alistar (Scott) against Malzahar (mid), Lee Sin (top), Pantheon
(jungle), Ezreal (ADC), and Volibear (support). Scott had trouble
against Volibear, but he managed to protect me and I did get ahead on CS
initially. We were camped by Pantheon, though, and our own jungler
turned out to be useless (I'm used to thinking that Yi is easy to play,
but apparently it's possible to fail dramatically with him). Our AD
Akali solo top fed Lee Sin harder than I've seen anyone feed in a while,
and Lee Sin easily carried the game. I ended up going 2/4/0. Three of
my deaths were to Lee Sin. Poor Scott went 0/8/4.
we got an even more messed up game. Someone declared "mid or AFK."
Well, another person took mid and then the troll picked Sona, but still
went mid. That meant we had a duo mid and I was left to solo bot as
Tristana, which is a depressing circumstance. I did what I could with
it, but that's only so much. Our lineup was Karma (mid), Sona (mid), Jax
(Scott), Fiddlesticks (jungle), and Tristana (me soloing bot). The
other team had Akali (mid), Warwick (top), Kha'Zix (jungle), Sivir
(ADC), and Morgana (support). Our Fiddlesticks was a very toxic player
and not particularly helpful, but got fed because our opponents tried to
duel him and then failed to focus him in teamfights. Ultimately, I went
14/11/11. Scott was ahead at first, but ended up going 7/17/16.
the third game in a row, I found myself filling the ADC role. I used to
think it was one of my better roles, and I've commented on that before.
I can't really justify that right now, considering my 80% loss ratio
with Tristana this season. Yes, we lost again. This one took me down to 0
LP and demoted Scott. Frustrating. Our team was Ahri (mid), Jax (top),
Vi (jungle), Tristana (me), and Alistar (Scott). The enemy team
consisted of Xerath (mid), Olaf (top), Warwick (jungle), Corki (ADC),
and Lux (support). I held my own, but Xerath got fed and nuked my team. I
went 8/7/5 in this one. Scott went 2/8/9. Although it wasn't as
egregious as the previous matches, it was another case of mid and jungle
both failing hard and fast enough that I couldn't do anything about it. So yeah, three Ranked Tristana losses in a row and my record with her this season is 2 wins, 8 losses.
tried one more Ranked game. This time, I got first pick. Free LP, guys.
It was Karthus (me), Teemo (top), Nunu (jungle), Sivir ADC), and
Blitzcrank (Scott) against LeBlanc (mid), Xin Zhao (top), Nocturne
(jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Alistar (support). I was pretty annoyed at
the fact that, despite not letting LeBlanc kill me while also occupying
her attention so she couldn't roam much, my lane opponent got fed anyway
because everyone else on the team underestimated her damage. Don't
worry: I still wrecked them eventually. After all, I was playing
Karthus. I went 11/5/11. Scott went 2/12/12 (our bot lane struggled the
whole time, but I won't complain, as they demanded enough attention that
Teemo and I could use the opportunity to get fed). That win took me
back up to 25 LP.
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