After playing League of Legends for over two years and
over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own,
totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My
placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. More recently
after failing to climb out of Bronze I, the ladder was reset and I found
myself placed lower still, all the down way at the bottom of Bronze V.
The Ranked matches I've played so far have clearly marked me as a Bronze
player. This is the
story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.
now I know I'll never ragequit. If I didn't do it this time, nothing is
going to make it happen. This match was so bad it was surreal. The
matchup was Karthus (me), Aatrox (top), Amumu (jungle), Ezreal (ADC),
and Blitzcrank (support) vs. Fizz (mid), Kayle (top), Shyvana (jungle),
Ashe (ADC), and Sona (support). People often pick Fizz against my
Karthus because they think Fizz beats Karthus, but I've always managed
to hold my own, not feed, farm up, and come out ahead. This wasn't so
much an exception as it was a deception. All of my teammates, all four
of them, seemed to be actively trying to screw me over. It didn't make
any sense, and of course I didn't believe that was what they were doing,
but it was what I kept seeing. Aatrox disconnected multiple times and
eventually ran where I was farming and poached CS from me. Blitzcrank
stole my last hits repeatedly and would go in with me, then ditch me
suddenly and speed boost away while I got ganked. Ezreal initially
seemed to be the least egregious, but used Arcane Shift and Mystic Shot
to steal the last hit on a blue buff I was taking, and then immediately
(no joke, it was a matter of a few seconds) rushed into the enemy team
and died. And then there was Amumu, who would hang out by my lane or
even in it, but would just stand around doing nothing (or take off) and
let Fizz and Shyvana kill me. I fell behind rapidly and my allies
fiercely sabotaged every attempt I made to come back. Reading this, it
seems like I must be exaggerating, but I'm actually not. Like I said, it
was surreal. I went 3/10/9. I'm not really even discouraged by this one
because it was unlike any other game I'd played and I don't expect it
to happen again any time soon, if ever. So I'm going to try one more for
the night. I'm down to 48 LP. Maybe I can make it up with the next one.
it wasn't as bad as the previous game, but it was pretty bad. We had a
first pick Nidalee mid. I should probably have just dodged, since I've
never really seen Nidalee mid work. But apparently I never dodge in
Ranked. We also had Volibear top and Udyr jungle. Someone picked
Nautilus support, so I was left to ADC, something I always manage to
lose games doing these days. I picked Kog'Maw for some reason. The other
team had Malzahar (mid), Jarvan IV (top), Xin Zhao (jungle), Jinx
(ADC), and Janna (support). We had trouble in the lanes, especially
after Xin Zhao killed me twice with tower dives, but Udyr refused to
help, calling us stupid for not knowing how Udyr works. That set Nidalee
off, and our Nidalee player spammed the chat the rest of the game
whining about how bad everyone else was. Udyr griefed, making sure we'd
lose teamfights, and eventually congratulated the other team on making
sure that Nidalee lost. While Volibear and Nautilus were obviously at
least trying to win, they didn't attempt to protect me, so I was picked
off all the time. I went 6/12/4. I'm now down to 31 LP. Brutal. We were
probably going to lose anyway with the griefer, but I would have
appreciated having some help. My teammates pretty much just ignored my
I played seven duo queue matches with Scott
(IMLRG). In the first, we had a someone first-pick Poppy for solo top,
and another person picked jungle Gragas while Scott took Braum as a
support. I was going to mid, but the last person locked in Nasus, so we
switched to Poppy mid, Nasus top, and had me take Tristana. Our
opponents had Diana (mid), Dr. Mundo (top). Xin Zhao (jungle), Caitlyn
(ADC), and Leona (support). We tried to hold bot lane, but didn't have a
jungler to back us up, while the other team did. Gragas tried, but
couldn't do enough. Poppy was ridiculously aggressive and fed, but also
picked up kills while doing so. Nasus was the biggest problem. He had 12
bonus damage on his Siphoning Strike. That means he killed four things
with it in the course of the match. He was dead weight and gave the
enemy team a gold boost. This was a case in which 4 vs. 5 would actually
have been better for us. We were perplexed at how someone would be
playing Nasus in Ranked games without actually bothering to use his
abilities. I went 7/5/0 in the end. Scott and I both reported Nasus as
unskilled. Then I checked out the player's information on "LOLKING." It
turned out that our Nasus player had 9 wins, 25 losses in Ranked this
season, and was in Silver V. Oh. Riot, please?
Then we had
Karthus (mid), Mordekaiser (me), Volibear (jungle), Ashe (ADC), and
Braum (Scott) vs. Sion (mid), Xin Zhao (top), Fiora (jungle), Graves
(ADC), and Sona (support). This was my worst Mordekaiser game ever. I
couldn't do any damage to Xin Zhao for some reason. It was like he was
the one with the shield, instead of me. He picked up two early kills on
me, but I got him back on the second one with my turret. He was still
bullying me, when Volibear showed up and got destroyed instantly when he
came to gank, leaving me exposed when I advanced to help him, so I died
again. From there, Xin Zhao had complete control of the lane.
Meanwhile, AP Sion and Fiora murdered the rest of my team. We tried to
mount a comeback and started to catch up, but our team didn't coordinate
well enough for it, and we were aced and defeated. I went 6/14/18. This
match was total bullshit, but whatever. Moving on.
wanting to go out on such a depressing finish, we tried again. This one
got screwed up. We had AP Tristana as a mid against Kassadin, which I
was very apprehensive of. We also had a Rammus jungler to their Diana
jungler, which I felt better about. Scott took Braum as a support and I
was going to go on-hit Kayle to carry alongside him, as we already had
Tristana on our team anyway for long range attacks. Our last pick failed
to see that I was going bot, and picked Varus. He was nice about it
once he saw his mistake, and I was going to let him have it, but Scott
looked up the match and saw that the enemy Sion had AD runes and
masteries. Kayle has no problem with AP Sion, but can't stop AD Sion all
that well. So I asked Varus if he'd solo top anyway, which he did. That
left Scott and I to face Jinx and Lulu in bot lane. It didn't hit us at
first, but this match was very one-sided. Varus had no trouble with
Sion, so he got farmed and fed. Tristana didn't feed Kassadin, and
Rammus destroyed Kassadin and Sion, getting both lanes even further
behind. Bot was where the only real challenge was, as Jinx maneuvered
skillfully, poking us and keeping up with my CS. Eventually, we caught
her when she got too isolated without Lulu's shield on her. I hit her
with Reckoning, then used Flash and Ignite to pick up the kill. The lane
remained challenging for a while, but we pulled ahead, then dominated
the other team. I was 8/3/5 by the end.
Next, I tried
some Singed games. In the first of those, it was Veigar (mid), Singed
(me), Rengar (jungle), Caitlyn (ADC), and Sona (Scott) vs. Lux (mid),
Talon (top), Jax (jungle), Varus (ADC), and Leona (support). Rengar
couldn't shut the hell up and Caitlyn was intermittently spamming pings,
but we were initially ahead. Veigar disconnected and I had to work hard
to keep us from falling behind. Eventually, Veigar came back (level 6
when I was level 14, I think). That gave us the edge we needed to win
teamfights and, subsequently, the match. I went 4/3/14.
had someone that wanted Master Yi in the lobby, so Scott first-picked
Yi for a trade. But Scott wanted to support and the other person turned
out not to own any, so Scott was stuck with Annie as a support. I had
already picked Singed again by this point, and we got a Ziggs mid, so
the last pick, protesting at not being the worst in the world at ADC,
took Ashe. Our opponents had Fizz (mid), Heimerdinger (top), Xin Zhao
(jungle), Corki (ADC), and Morgana (support). True to her word, Ashe fed
and couldn't accomplish anything, which left Scott underpowered too.
Fizz also got fed. Yi was initially picking up kills, but started
getting picked off too. Fortunately, I had enough time to get my Singed
going. I was, in the words of our Yi, "LCS proin." I used Fling to feed
my team, then my Poison Trail's devastated the enemy team and I picked
up some kills for myself too. Scott asked me to carry him, so I did. I
went 10/2/14. Singed is back and he's here to stay.
I was on a roll with Singed, I picked him again. We already had a Ryze
mid anyway. We got Tryndamere as our jungler. Scott picked Braum to
support again and our ADC was Lucian. We were up against the
intimidating team composition of Fizz (mid), Shyvana (top), Volibear
(jungle), Varus (ADC), and Thresh (support). I've never done well
against Shyvana with Singed, and Volibear is problematic for him too.
But the real problem in this match was that Tryndamere disconnected. He
was the one picking up our kills, and we lost him. Our whole team fell
behind. Eventually he came back, but the damage had been done. Even
though our team was way behind on kills and on objectives, it turned out
that Scott and I could tank the other team surprisingly well. For a
while, I thought we'd win that way. But our teammates just never brought
the damage (except Ryze, who usually did) to fights. Impressive as it
was to see how long it took the five enemy champions to kill our Braum
and Singed, taking a long time to die wasn't going to save us by itself.
Frustrating, but I understand that it happens. I went 4/9/9 in my first
Ranked loss as Singed.
Finally, Scott talked me into
one more try. This time, I had him ban Kassadin so I could pick Karthus.
My teammates had Teemo (top), Trundle (jungle), Sivir (ADC), and Braum
(Scott). The other team had Heimerdinger (mid), Garen (top), Xin Zhao
(jungle), Ashe (ADC), and Leona (support). I complained that I can't
catch a break anymore as Karthus. This one had a few problems, but the
main one was feeding teammates. That make me sound arrogant, but it did
happen. Heimerdinger pushed aggressively and I held him off, which
Karthus can do, but he got help and I did not, so he pulled way ahead on
CS and took my outer and inner turrets. We killed each other a lot, and
he picked me off sometimes, but I killed him more. He made up the
deficit by slaughtering my teammates. Scott thought the enemy
Heimerdinger was just good. My impression was more that people shouldn't
run into his turrets like chickens with their damn heads cut off. So
Heimerdinger got fed. But another problem was that Teemo was incredibly
toxic. I was the primary target of his ire, but he also went after
Sivir, although sometimes it seemed like he had the two of us mixed up,
which was bizarre. He only went after Scott when Scott pointed out that
he was saying things that were factually incorrect. Teemo stopped trying
to help and started only caring about picking up kills for himself,
which helped put us behind. But I was pretty well farmed and would still
have wrecked the other team if not for Garen. He harassed me,
revenge-killed me when I took out Heimerdinger, and was a constant
threat. I was mad about Teemo and annoyed about my teammates feeding in
general, but I have to admit that I was impressed with the enemy Garen.
In the end of this one, I went 14/11/12. I'm now down to 29 LP.
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