After playing League of Legends for over two years and
over a thousand normal games, I finally entered ranked play. In my own,
totally objective, assessment, I am skilled enough for Gold. My
placement matches disagreed, and threw me into Bronze II. More recently
after failing to climb out of Bronze I, the ladder was reset and I found
myself placed lower still, all the down way at the bottom of Bronze V.
The Ranked matches I've played so far have clearly marked me as a Bronze
player. This is the
story of my attempt to prove them wrong. This is Going for the Gold.
apparently a rune sale running through the end of the month, so I've
been trying to figure out what runes I should buy. I've been pretty
happy with my current runes, but I have a lot of IP left over and I
might as well get runes now, while they're cheaper. So I was browsing
the store and a player on my friend list that I didn't remember at all,
and who apparently didn't know who I was either, decided to invite me to
duo Ranked. He was Darksaber240 and he'd just gotten into Bronze I
himself. We got into a lobby and, finding myself second pick and with
none of my usual options looking good, I played a champion that I've
never played in Ranked, but that I knew I could solo top with. We ended
up with the rather unusual team composition of Soraka (mid), Nasus (me),
Udyr (jungle), Caitlyn (DarkSaber240), and Morgana (support). Our
opponents had Kennen (mid), Teemo (top), Kayle (jungle), Tristana (ADC),
and Thresh (support). As I've mentioned, a lot of people are under the
impression that Teemo top counters Nasus, but that's heavily dependent
on how the laning phases go and on junglers. Yeah, Teemo can kite Nasus,
poison him, blind him so that he misses his Siphoning Strike stacks,
and be a nuisance. But as a ranged AP top, Teemo lacks burst, and Nasus
can hold the lane by lifestealing from minions, waiting things out until
Nasus has enough magic resistance to actually fight Teemo. That was
what I tried to do in this game, and to an extent, it worked. My biggest
concern was Kayle. A good Kayle can murder Nasus. Kayle was as
problematic as I feared. On top of that, our Udyr charged in on Teemo
early on and gave him double buff, which gave him a substantial lead on
me and let him kill me after I stupidly forgot how much damage red buff
would do to me. Udyr gave up several early deaths and I was behind for a
long time, with my teammates asking me to help as our opponents started
grouping up and pushing. But I kept grinding, and even though things
looked bad initially, circumstances changed in our favor. Despite being
behind, I managed to kill Teemo by myself. My inexorable pushing top
lane drew attention from the other team, but they overextended when they
tried to close in on me after sieging mid, and we won some close
teamfights. I got caught up on stacking Siphoning Strike and also got
items to tank the enemy team. Meanwhile, Udyr, who had been frustrating
the rest of us early on, got fed and made an impressive comeback. No,
really, I was impressed. I thought our Udyr was a feeder and that we
were unfortunate, but he turned things around and ended up being the
star of the show. As for me, I went 7/5/5 and had the typical late game
Nasus domination that I'd been trying to build up to. We won, and my
first win in my second foray into Bronze II has taken me up to 23 LP.
nearly a month, I got back to Ranked play, in part just to prevent LP
decay. Our bans were all over the place. We had a first pick Xin Zhao
jungler and third pick wanted mid, so I took Mordekaiser top and let the
other player, who picked Syndra, take mid. Our bot laners were Varus
and Nami, who invited me to that Curse Voice thing, so I was in chat
with them, which didn't really help, but I guess it was worth a shot.
Our opponents had Annie (mid), Kha'Zix (top), Wukong (jungle), Miss
Fortune (ADC), and Braum (support). I got the first two kills by
dominating lane against Kha'Zix, but Wukong ganked me aggressively and
eventually I fell behind, as did the rest of our team. Xin Zhao never
helped any of us. Not once. So it was basically 4 vs. 5. My final K/D/A
was 5/9/4. That brings me down to 7 LP.
up for another one. I'm already apprehensive. Our bans make no sense
again and these guys are arguing in a way that makes them all look
stupid. Yeah, I'm already frustrated with my teammates and we haven't
even started yet. Anyway, we've got Lee Sin (mid), Trundle (top), Master
Yi (jungle), Tristana (me), and Nami (support) against Talon (mid),
Renekton (top), Kayle (jungle), Jinx (ADC), and Taric (support). It
turned out to be even worse than I feared. Lee Sin was a feeder, so that
meant Talon was able to snowball and burst me down whenever he could
catch me, which turned out to be three times. Master Yi ran around in
the jungle doing very little, but liked to rage at me for playing too
passively. Nami also raged at me for playing passively, while
simultaneously failing to ever set anything up. Trundle was fine, but
was camped by the enemy Kayle. I went 4/3/1 and didn't even get close to
the firepower I'd have needed to salvage this disaster. There go my LP
For my next match, I first-picked Karthus. My
allies had Darius (top), Amumu (mid), Jinx (ADC), and Karma (support).
We were up against Lissandra (mid), Yorick (top), Kha'Zix (jungle),
Tristana (ADC), and Morgana (support). Other than Amumu, my allies were
rather bad. But mainly, Jinx and Karma constantly fed Tristana. I had no
chance to get going and carry. When I finally did get an opening in a
teamfight and ace our opponents, Jinx and Karma rushed to Baron Nashor
and died, then raged at the rest of us. They were very, very bad. I
ended up going 6/5/8, which is pretty terrible for me as Karthus, but
not so terrible when the match falls apart so quickly.
I go last pick, but still took Karthus. My allies had Yorick (top), Vi
(jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Zyra (support). Our opponents consisted of
Yasuo (mid), Darius (top), Teemo (jungle), Jinx (ADC), and Morgana
(support). I easily outfarmed Yasuo, but all five of my teammates were
terrible players. On top of that, I eventually discovered that my
passive was bugged! Yeah, when I died, my passive failed to go off. I'd
still get seven seconds of Defile if I had it toggled on before I died,
but I could not cast spells, so I was forced to watch low-health enemies
run around right by me without being able to finish them. That made me
pretty mad, but I'd still have done well if not for my feeding,
bickering, raging, clueless, uncooperative teammates. Ultimately, I went
8/4/9. With this bullshit, I'm in danger of being demoted. Again.
tried another match. This time we had Gragas (mid), Jax (top), Xin Zhao
(jungle), Kog'Maw (me), and Nidalee (support) against Kennen (mid),
Darius (top), Warwick (jungle), Twitch (ADC), and Morgana (support). My
lane opponents weren't very good, so I was able to farm pretty
effectively. Eventually, the enemy team positioned themselves badly
against me in a couple of skirmishes and I got fed. It wasn't over with
that, though, as the enemy top and jungle had become very powerful.
Warwick's ult was able to shut me down a few times, and I had a hard
time convincing my teammates to group up. But eventually, we pushed as a
team and won. I went 13/6/8. That match has taken me up to 20 LP. No
demotion just yet.
I queued with Scott (IMLRG) for two
Ranked games. In the first, we had Malzahar (me), Renekton (top), Elise
(jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Sona (Scott) against Vel'Koz (mid), Wukong
(top), Warwick (jungle), Vayne (ADC), and Nami (support). Elise tried to
go commando, avoiding our team and going trying to fight multiple
enemies alone, which went poorly. Renekton was like that too, only twice
as bad. This gave our opponents an edge. They had Vel'Koz, Nami, and
Wukong cover a wide area with damaging spells so that Warwick could
initiate on any fool who wandered into the firing znoe and Vayne could
pick off stragglers. I tried to herd my team out of these deathtraps,
but they weren't having it. With Karthus, I might have been able to
follow them in and dish out damage on everyone, but Malzahar needs to
target one person at a time, and I couldn't make it work. I went 7/4/2,
but we lost badly and I dropped to 3 LP.
When we tried
again, it was with Cassiopeia (mid), Singed (top), Udyr (me), Quinn
(ADC), and Braum (Scott). Our opponents had Tristana (mid), Pantheon
(top), Rammus (jungle), Lucian (ADC), and Thresh (support). I had my red
buff stolen, which slowed me down, and couldn't find any good early
gank attempts, so I worked on building up stacks for Wriggle's Lantern
and Tear of the Goddess. Progress was slow for me. Our Cassiopeia was
very bad and I spent a lot of time trying to keep mid from collapsing.
Singed turned out not to know how to fight Pantheon (or perhaps just how
to play Singed in the first place). So we started to fall behind, but
our bot lane came through, then bot laners roamed and dominated the map.
The enemy team did adjust to fight the roaming duo, but that bought me
the time I needed to get my items. Feral Flare really changes things for
my Udyr build, but it takes time. I ultimately went 5/1/8, but it was
the bot laners that did most of the work. I think Scott got 24 assists
in this one. He and Quinn were responsible for the comeback. So now I'm
back to 23 LP, which, as I can see from the top of this post, is where
I'd been at the end of last month. My MMR may have dropped a bit, but
I'm back to 23 LP.
I was fourth pick, and I was pretty
apprehensive with the other picks. But I didn't have much choice in the
matter, so it was Mordekaiser (mid), Tryndamere (top), Kha'Zix (jungle),
Lucian (ADC), and Sona (me) vs. Diana (mid), Garen (top), Master Yi
(jungle), Vayne (ADC), and Xin Zhao (support). This became an epic
63-minute match. Some of my teammates kept assuming that we'd lost, but
we held on and counterpushed, keeping our nexus turrets safe the whole
time. Kills were tied up or close to it and all of the inhibitors except
in the ones in the bot lane went down multiple times. Fortunately, our
Tryndamere was pretty good. And of course, our team had an awesome Sona
to back them up in teamfights. I used to build Sona less tanky, and I'd
hide back and spam spells. In this match, I was wading into the other
team, nuking squishies with my passive, blocking damage with shield
items, and stunning the other team with my ult. It was pretty intense.
With Yi being Yi, even I thought we were in trouble. I kept worrying
that he'd backdoor our nexus, but we were able to keep defending it.
After over an hour, the other team got out of position and we took
advantage of that. I flashed to snipe the super-tanky Garen before he
could escape, which left Vayne alone to face most of our team. We
stormed their nexus and finally finished it. In the end, I went 9/6/41.
That victory took me up 21 LP, to a new total of 44 LP. I'm also tied on
my win/loss ratio now: 37 wins, 37 losses.
Finally, I did a solo queue match and got first pick, so I had my Karthus. We also had a Lee Sin jungler, a Vladimir top, and a Jinx ADC with Xin Zhao supporting. Our opponents had Ziggs (mid), Shyvana (top), Rengar (jungle), Ezreal (ADC), and Morgana (support). My lane opponent played somewhat passively. I easily outfarmed Ziggs and picked up some kills with my ult to get ahead. Our Vladimir fed hard, but our bot lane came out ahead too. Because Shyvana was fed, she was able to keep the match close for a while, but my damage output let Jinx easily snowball and pick everyone off, and when she couldn't kill our enemies, I did, leading to an early and decisive victory. I went 5/0/9. Up to 64 LP now. I'm not back to Bronze I yet, but I think I'm getting there. I took April and most of May off. It's not June 1st. If I get some more Ranked matches in, I can potentially reach Bronze I before Spring is over.
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